Study Visit in Finland – EduCamps

Lifelong learning for professionals! Spend five unforgettable days in the heart of Helsinki.

Development and learning in the Finnish way

We support the lifelong learning of professionals and innovation skills by combining tourist experiences in professional competence development and further training. MIF Academy has consistently offered high-quality training and qualifications. You have the opportunity to develop yourself in the heart of Helsinki, just in between the beautiful Opera House and Finlandia house.

Study Tour for Public and Corporate Managers

Future Manager Camp

5 days

During the first day, you will concentrate on continuous development, which provides you with a way to think about how to organize human activities to deliver more productivity. The method helps managers to eliminate time and money wastes. You will have the best tools immediately in use to support your management work and to add fluency in working processes by finding root causes to your work challenges and by starting improvements during the Camp. In the evening you will relax and have a city tour by tram, enjoying the Finnish beverages.

Additionally, you will focus on acting responsive manager, using the competence potential of your staff better. We will introduce you to AI, digitalization and cyber security leadership. Discussions continue in the unofficial meeting and relaxation room, at Löyly – Sauna by the sea. The next day, you will visit companies, meet your peers, share your knowledge and experiences, and network. During the fourth day, you will focus on boosting your management skills, awareness skills, and communication skills and getting familiar with facilitating methods of remote work and different organizational analysis tools. In the evening, you will enjoy dinner with a Finnish twist. Last day you will wrap up the Camp experience, and you will create a solution for the challenge defined on the 1st day. Camp members together can improve your answers, and after the feedback and certificates, you feel grateful, inspired and boosted.

  • Add fluency in processes
  • Use efficient tools in the daily management
  • Be more aware as a leader
  • Widen your professional network

Study Tour for Principals and Education Developers

Education Development Camp

5 days

Imagine you as a meaningful solution maker. You have pieces of education development delivered to your hands. Maybe you need elements of school management, student administration system, methods to build teacher capacity, ideas to create your own media lab, enhance automatization of teaching and digitalization of your school, and ideas for high-quality curricula. You must pick the best ones and put them together, maybe in collaboration with others at the end of the week. You will probably create something great! Camp days are full of discussion, visits and cultural experiences. You will see Helsinki in different ways from beer tram, relax in a sauna located in Löyly-building, a unique piece of architecture. Meetings with colleagues in Finnish Schools will also deepen the understanding and the meaning of continuous education development.

  • Be more inspired as an education developer
  • Create solutions for your purposes
  • Widen your professional network
  • Use efficient tools in education development
  • Build capacity

Study Tour for Teachers and Teacher Students

Educational Experience Camp

5 days

Five days of having fun? Using senses? Rejecting desks? A document by video instead of writing? YES! Put yourself in the role of Finnish student and expire the Camp from it. Learn about the education system in dialogue and find the best parts for your work. Explore Helsinki by tram tour with Finnish beverages. Enjoy the moment as a learner! Feel the spirit and miracles of kindergarten, primary education, TVET school during the visits and understand the structural secret of Finnish curricula. Talk about the needed change, let ideas come and go in a warm, cosy Sauna and relax. Get familiar with EduTech and media lab potential, learn to utilize automatization of Moodle/Claned. Share your knowledge and skills in the workshop, and remember to use your mobile phone as learning.

  • Get new ideas
  • Develop your work
  • Explore phenomenal learning 
  • Use digital tools in education development
  • Learn to use your competence potential
  • Widen your professional network


EduCamp in Finland: 16 000 € / group (max 20 people), excl. flights & hotel

For additional information, please contact us