Study Tour in Finland

Study Tours provides various experiences of culture, visits in companies, escape from traditional education venues and creating solutions to your own work.

Learn together with Finns

Successful organizations of the future need employees with high learning abilities. Lack of potential use is also one of the biggest causes of frustration at work. How is Finland the best in skills development at work, best in the latest technology use, has the third-best quality of life and has the happiest, innovative people? Let us find out! How about why Finland has the most human capital, high-quality teacher education, best learning environments and one of the best-digitalized educations in the world? The purest air and nature are not the secret, nor are values that enhance sustainable development. You have to dig a bit deeper and join to Study Tour.

During the 3-5 days, you will learn like a Finn in your professional area. Study Tours provides various experiences of culture, visits in companies, escape from traditional education venues and creating solutions to your work. Expire the white nights in summer or snowy brightness in winter, add a trip to Lapland easily from Helsinki or ask tailored combination Study Tour. We support the lifelong learning of professionals and innovation skills by combining tourist experiences in professional competence development.

Study tours in Finland

Learn like a Finn and join to Study Tour.

Innovation Skills Development Camp

Co-creational Design Sprint

Innovation Skills Development Camp in third innovative country in the world enables the new mindset to create rapid results, innovation and fix challenges in the organizations. No more inactive development and talking! It is suitable for individual´s development skills boosting, one company development, and several companies to bring added value for each other. It is effective way to successful short or long-term development.

Future Manager Camp

Public and Corporate Managers

Public and Corporate Managers are welcome to Future Manager Camp tunderstand what the factors are to the most stable and high-digitalized country with the best governance. There are 3 days fixed modules and 1-2 days tailored topics, such as company/governmental visits during the Camp. Meetings with ministry representative, chambers of commerce, Business Finland or company owners.

Education Development Camp

Principals and Education Developers

Finland’s high level of education and expertise is based on high-quality teacher education, but also providing future skills in youth and continuous development of educationThere are 2-3 school visits, networking, creating solution to your own organization inspired by FinnsThe camp will start by getting familiar with Finnish Education System and comparison of education systems, recognizing the main challenges and choosing the main development topic for the camp.

Educational Experience Camp

Teachers and Teacher Students

Teachers and teacher students will develop their working methods, learning settings and environment ideas in Educational Experience Camp. Understanding of meaning of teachers own role, actions and how to perform best possible ways in challenging situations. During the Camp you will document your journey in Finland easy way and practice phenomenal learning during the week. 

For additional information, please contact us