Leading the International Growth and Market Expansion

Leading the International Growth and Market Expansion training program is a truly professional online course offering experience-based insights into the world of international business. This course helps you to know how to create the strategic framework and sales strategy for going international and craft a professional market entry sales plan. In addition, you will realize what the key tasks for a business leader are at different growth stages and what really matters to your prospective international sales and distribution partners.

Intrested in this course?

Target Group

  • Start-up, small and medium-size enterprises
  • Companies looking to grow abroad
  • Managing Directors, Sales and Marketing Directors, Export Directors, Business Development Directors, Sales Executives or Managers responsible for company´s international trade operations
  • MBA students
  • Students studying international business, trade, sales or marketing

This course will give you some very concrete ideas and tools to be used for developing you own skills and competences towards your successful career in international business.

  • How to create a strategy for going international.
  • How to create the strategic framework and sales strategy for going international and craft a professional market entry sales plan.
  • How to develop the Business development program.
  • To realize what are the key tasks for a business leader at different growth stages and what really matters to your prospective international sales and distribution partners.


Online course allows flexibility. The online environment is the “home base” including material, well-thought exercises, peercoaching and an active online community for sharing and discussion. Online course does not mean studying alone on a computer. Studying is based on your active role as a student. You work within your own school, with your fellow students and together with your peers.

This course provides you with an unique opportunity to study internationalization based on our extremely competent trainer´s personal expertise in the field from over 25 years. This course will give you some very concrete ideas and tools to be used for developing you own skills and competences towards your successful career in international business.

1. Creating Strategy Framework and Sales Strategy for international business

  • Basis for developing Business and Marketing Plans for Internationalization
  • Maturity model for internationalization

2. Market Entry Planning from Sales Perspective

  • How to prepare a professional Market Entry Plan?
  • What needs to be considered when opening a new market?

3a. High-Growth Business Development

  • Business Leader´s Tasks at different Growth Stages
  • What are the Sales Activities and what to track?

3b. Key Strategic Partner Programs

  • To enable a structured Partner Management and to create long term trustworthiness towards Partners
  • Partner Search, Recruitment, Training – Partner Sales
  • Tools – Partner Marketing & Communications

4. Additional: International Business

  • Cultural Environment in International Business
  • Strategies to manage cultural differences in Global Marketing